September 18, 2010

Clarity of calling (85/100)

Attending a prayer retreat for a Board on which I serve in the area, I was surprised by a word spoken to my heart during one of the prayer times. "This is to be your life's work."

Whoa! What does that mean?

William Wilberforce -- his life's work was working relentlessly within the political system of England until the slave trade was abolished. His life has long inspired me to live a life of meaning and influence guided by a discerning walk with God.

Hudson Taylor -- his life's work was bringing the gospel of Christ to China, allowing nothing to hinder that witness. His life has inspired me to be aware of the diversity and value of culture that can be embraced to open doors for the gospel witness.

Sir William Osler -- his life's work as a great clinical teacher was to reconcile the emerging new medical science with the old humanities. The lessons from his life are an inspiration to me in many ways.

I certainly can't imagine investing my remaining days, whether few or many, in anything but this work of promoting, enhancing, and facilitating the care of those working cross-culturally, specifically helping those in places isolated from a strong Christian witness.

Does that make it my life's work? I guess it does. Lord, make this work effective, influencing, and fruitful for Your Kingdom.

1 comment:

deb said...

thankfully, what is so obvious to the rest of us, God shares with you. thank you, God. :)