September 6, 2010

Learning to ask, learning to trust (73/100)

Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the Kingdom. -- C. H. Spurgeon
Do you know why the mighty God of the universe chooses to answer prayer? It is because his children ask. God delights in our asking. He is pleased in our asking. His heart is warmed by our asking. -- R. Foster

I happen to be reading in Foster's book on prayer the section on petitionary prayer today as I prepare to meet with the mentors from SCORE tomorrow. Asking seems easier to do with God than other people. With God, He knows I am helpless and lacking. Other people? Well?

I like to look competent and asking reveals my incompetence and need. Sounds like the issue is pride, huh? I guess it is. Perhaps this is part of why asking is a rule of the Kingdom as Spurgeon states. It requires me to approach God in humility and need, but this rule doesn't just apply to my relationship with God. My need to display humility with others is even greater because it shows how well I understand my need for God. If I am to be a servant of God and others then I must be humble enough to ask for help. And this asking is of those who are Christ-followers and those who are not. For I am to be servant to all and therefore humble before all.

But there is more to asking others than just an issue of pride. I don't want to bother others, make them feel obligated to help, or guilty for not helping. If I cannot ask of others expecting God to answer through them, am I really trusting God? Again back to the issue of trust. I need to also trust God and others to determine when they help and when they don't, for whatever reason. I also need to give others a chance to live into all God has made them to be by allowing them the chance to live out their calling by helping me. And finally, as I've posted before, I need to not cheat them of an opportunity for them to join God in the work He is doing in and through me by failing to ask.

So, in humility, and trust, I ask you, if you are reading this post on 9/7, to pray as I ask for help. Pray that God will provide guidance and discernment and help as He sees is best in this ministry that He is creating..

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