Until today, I have always interpreted the parable of the Sower and the Soils (Luke 8) in the context of salvation. Although this could be one way to see this passage, Jesus presents the Seed as the Word of God, not the Gospel. God's word includes more than the Good News of salvation. In fact, it includes the whole counsel and instruction of God.
When He speaks His word into my life (sows His Seed), am I soil that gladly receives it, holding it fast, allowing it to bear fruit in my life?
Lord, keep me as ready soil: honest and good in heart, understanding, hearing, really hearing.
Lord, make me responsive with: acceptance, holding fast to the word, allowing it to be planted deep, then driving its roots even deeper.
Lord, cause Your word to result in: bearing of fruit; much fruit; fruit that lasts, remains, perseveres, is steadfast, and enduring.
This class on policy serves as an example of this work.
In the beginning I was hard and resistant to this having any use for our ministry.
I softened enough to consider that there might be something of use and began to let the thought grow, but my resistance was still present. I could not see any lasting use.
The work of Your Spirit continued and eventually I was able to move into the work and in this the benefits of the investment began to grow as I had to develop my theology of policy particularly related to this ministry. But then the struggles and hardship of trying to get through the analysis, to teach myself how to do this, and to stay engaged despite the many distractions of work and ministry. Eventually this all choked out my motivation and interest.
Again, the Spirit tilled the soil of my heart. This time I was ready and the possibilities drove deep. The result is that I see now the benefit of this class for our ministry. I have a clearer understanding with a greater factual and Scriptural foundation for our work in advocating for the role of the Church in caring for the cross-cultural worker. I see clearly that our greatest role is not in directly caring for the worker ourselves, although we need to model this, our role is still that of calling out the Body into this work of caring for their own as they reach into the corners of this world with Your love. Loving care given with loving service extending in strength the loving reach of the Gospel of Grace.
Lord, cause me to soften sooner that I might be ready soil for all You desire to do in and through me.
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