September 2, 2010

Not so much (69/100)

At times (really most of the time), just when I feel like I have an area of life down, something happens that reveals I may not have reached the level of growth anticipated. Has this happened to you?

Beginning to own my vision for cross-cultural worker care in a more public way, means laying everything out there for others to critique and even criticize. Choosing to engage this exercise first with those I trust today meant letting a friend I respect here what I have planned. His comments were both encouraging and a bit frustrating. Encouraging because he validated the need, my giftings, and the potential this has for influence. Frustrating because after so much time spent on choosing a name, he challenged whether this is the best fir for us and what we are doing. Specifically, he commented that it does not convey the level of professionalism that we possess or intend to apply to this issue of cross-cultural worker care. And I see where he is coming from and realizing that he may be right.

But the bigger point for me was the internal resistance to his comment. I thought I was holding this all loosely where God can take it and shape it as He wants. Not so much, huh?

My grip has tightened. My ownership has grown. Without me recognizing it, the work has been becoming mine; yet, it is not. This is Your work, Jesus. Every aspect of it, even the name. And through Your methods in the context of the community that is Your body You will accomplish all You desire for Your people.

And so, now after two years of waiting, am I willing to relax again into You with this issue of a name? To sit with this again in order to be sure that this is You I am hearing and not me pressing forward on my on?

Yes, in Your grace and power.
Relax again into Your embrace.

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