August 6, 2010

An equation of influence (42/100)

Driving home today, the thought crossed my mind as I was passing a Rutter's, "I should just pull in here, grab a movie, and relax tonight." Perfectly appropriate thoughts after a long week and a 12-hour work day. The words of a friend came to mind from this week as he shared how when he gets home, he just wants to chill in front of the TV.

Perhaps this is what I will do in a few months when this journey is completed, but not this day. This is where I am, this is what I need to be doing. If I let it go now, I know I will miss something good.

Arriving home, after a meal that renewed my energy and clarity of thought, I sat down in front of my computer to continue processing some of the previous research I had found during my recent class. Although sufficient for the class, synthesizing the information into a usable form for us still needed to be done. Much to my amazement before I knew it, two-and-half hours had passed.

My friend asked me how I do it (not even knowing about my current journey). At the time, I didn't have an answer. Maybe I do now. A knowledge of God and of what He has made me for coupled with intentionality yields responsive actions to God's promptings. Another way to look at this is:

God is Good  +  God has made me for His purposes  +  intentionality  =  responsive choices  +  empowered actions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.