August 14, 2010

Asking (50/100)

Being led lately to ask, trust, and see what God does. So, yesterday when faced with the assignment for my new class (Advocacy and Human Rights), I decided to ask the seemingly impossible. "Lord, could you work it out for me to do something for this advocacy policy development assignment that fits with what we are doing for this ministry?"

Then in trust, I asked my professor, and today, he said that he clearly sees how my concern for cross-cultural workers represents advocacy for an under-represented group, and certainly fits the parameters of the assignment.

Huh? How about that? The class that seemed to fit the least with what you have called me to in this program has been made to fit.

It's really not that hard. You say you tell me to ask. I ask. You answer. I live into what you have planned for me.

Lord, continue to give me the grace to trust, to follow your lead knowing that you have planned the way before me.

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