August 2, 2010

On going lessons (38/100)

Reminded that this was never meant to be a 100-day journey of exhaustion -- this is to be an opportunity to choose better and plan better and to be reasonable with my expectations of life -- I think?

O, God, teach me how to live into my calling but still get everything done without killing myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

"Deb, you won't. You won't get it all done -- ever."

This is about choices; yes, that is true.
  • choosing best over good and better
  • choosing to start my days and planning my schedule with this expressed focus of calling (and all that means) in view
  • choosing to release the things that I am not to be doing
  • choosing to keep, but in proper order, those things that are mine to do
This is not a lesson just for this 100-day journey but for the journey of life, and particularly, for the development of Relevant Resilience. Not all of the work to start and maintain this ministry is for me to do. I need to grow in practical discernment as to what is mine, and what needs to be released to others. This is a ministry birthed in the context of community which is to be lived out in community -- both the directly engaged and extended community of the Body of Christ.

This ministry and my own spiritual formation are Your works that are to be done Your way in your timing unto Your greater purposes. Again, my level of fatigue is directly proportional to my lack of trust. O, Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.

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