The phone calls, emails, schedules, Google searches, and the like.
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. -- Mt 25:23
Inputting appointments and schedules in the trusted BB and having them disappear within the next hour when I go back to add another appointment.
Looking all over the SCORE website for the York area group and finding nothing on non-profits despite hearing from others that this is one of the best organizations to find reasonable help.
Reading the materials again from my current class and still not understanding how this can help me develop a presentation or plan to advocate for cross-cultural workers.
The little things that ought to work but don't serve to test my growth edge of trust. Am I willing to trust Jesus when it feels like I'm just spinning my wheels and making no progress? Will I allow these kinds of things to frustrate me to the point of anger?
Will I choose to pray when I feel these things begin to grow inside of me? Will I choose to release all of this though I do not understand Your ways but know Your heart? Thankfully for this last one the answer is an absolute, "Yes." Thankfully, I am learning to turn to you sooner and that this is another aspect of resting in You in this journey and in life.
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