August 18, 2010

Holding on (54/100)

I am sensing a gentle press to get ready. I'm not sure what God is up to, but there is something He's preparing.

This evening I'm returning to previous work to update and enhance the various presentations of our history, strategic plan, structure, governance, programming, etc. The level of increasing detail and clarity I have now compared to a year ago when I first wrote this material is amazing.

This exercise prompts me to pause and reflect on the journey since August of 2008 when God spoke to my heart unifying a vision for holistic care of the cross-cultural worker in the context of community. Joining with two friends with expertise in psychology and spiritual formation, we began with a day of discernment seeking God's direction for us individually and as an organization. Continuing in this rhythm of bi-annual retreat and regular meetings, we have steadily progressed. Along the way, God has steadily added skills and details through various people and through my classes as I have pursued a program in organizational leadership. However, by May of this year I was feeling frustrated and distracted by all of the other responsibilities of life, work, family, and ministry.

Within this context I engaged by faith this journey of 100-days. The result has been a huge leap forward in the development of this ministry and organization and in my own trust relationship with Jesus.

On some days in fatigue, I come home ready to fall into bed at 7pm. Ready to let this go.

But in the same way I cannot walk away from the vision God has given me for missionary care; I cannot walk away from this journey. To walk away and stop now would mean missing something God has for me. I want His best for me in everyway. I want more of Him. O, God, continue to give me the grace needed for all you have for me yet to be unveiled.

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