August 20, 2010

Being me (56/100)

A continuing sense of rest and anticipation is energizing my work on the organization and awareness in my journey. There is also a growing contentment with who I am and how God has made me. In my time this morning I took noteof my role as a nuturer -- one who promotes and sustains the growth and development of another.
In the MBTI, this is a description of an ISFJ; however, I am an INTP/INFP, a mix between the Thinker and the Idealist. Yet, in function as a sister, daughter, physician, mentor, and now developer of a member care organization, I am a nurturer.

This is not a role I previously embraced, but I think this had (and still sometimes still has) to do with the platforms I was being boxed into. Now in this place of living into my calling as God has meant for me to live, I am comfortable wearing this and other roles with a freedom and sense of space I have not previously known.

My experiences along this journey of intentionality and calling are growing my passion for everyone to have the privilege of living fully into all God has made them to be.

There is nothing better! Everyone should do this!

Yet, I also know from my own experience that this was not possible for me until I moved into an ongoing love relationship with Jesus. I was a Christian who had been changed by the Gospel; yet, it was not until five years ago that I finally got it. God, the God of the universe, loves me!

The reality of this radically transformed everything for me. Now, the more I am convinced in the moment by moment of my life that he loves me, I grow to trust his presence that will never leave, his character of goodness that will never change, and his ongoing activity that is orchestrating mine and each person's experiences to manifest his glory. Because of all of this I can engage this journey and long for this for every person that exists.

O, Jesus, continue to love us unto the freedom of being who you have made us to be.


vicki said...

Beautiful post Deb...

deb said...

You certainly are a nurturer - and I have been the have my dreams and calling.