July 5, 2010

The wall (10/100)

I heard in Melody Hogan's story how about two weeks into her 100 day experience that she "hit a wall." At the time I didn't really know what she meant, I do now.

Even when you are doing what you are made for and love doing, the journey can become hard. Despite the previous days of successes and insights, today I'm tired. I just don't want to do this anymore. This is silly to be doing this. What's the point?
In silence, I sit. In silence I am reminded:
  • the value of this journey? abundantly clear
  • the work itself? important not just to me but invaluable to those with whom I am ministering and for whom we serve
  • the time each day? useful
  • worth it? yep
  • silly? maybe, but still what I am to be doing
Thank you, Jesus, for the grace to begin the time today at the end of myself and in total dependence on you. Thank you for restoring my strength in the midst of the time, and then giving me the wisdom to walk away at the end of the two hours into a time of rest.
Today is a good reminder how even when living into all God has made me for means that there will be days when effort is required to stay at it. I am also reminded of my need for rest and how easily even doing a good thing can result in burnout.

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