July 6, 2010

In whose strength? (11/100)

Following 84 hours filled with work responsibilities, I was tired and ready for some sleep. As I was driving home the thought crossed my mind to eat and head to bed followed quickly by the thought, "Give up now? No way!!"

Sometimes simple determination is the difference between success and failure in an endeavor. In fact, determination may be the only thing that keeps you going.

Whoa! What did I say?

If this were a journey in my own strength, my own power, perhaps I could declare that. But I know my OWN strength, non-existent in times like these. If I were operating out of my own strength this journey certainly would have ended in the last 3+ days of being on call.

This is a journey dependent on you, Jesus. Only in such dependence can I take the next step into the next moment. Dependence on your strength and not my own will get me through today and the next 89 as well.

This is a journey of abandoned trust that you will carry me not just when I am exhausted but even more so when I am feelig strong and self-assured. It is only as you empower my every moment will I complete what you have called me to in this journey of 100 days and the continuing journey of my life.

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