July 15, 2010

A wake up call (20/100)

Carving out just two hours a day to live more fully into God's call on my life has served to awaken me from my complacency like a bucket of icy Atlantic seawater from my nephew awakens me from an afternoon nap on the beach. I am shocked at the reality check this 100-day journey of intentionality has been.

To think that I don't have two hours a day to give to what I really care about without being so depleted I can't function is amazing. There is something wrong with me that I could not see this before. I know my friends saw it and tried to enlighten me, but I would not, or could not, receive their counsel. The hidden impact of my lifelong habit of drivenness has clouded my vision. It is not that I didn't see that I was too busy or that I didn't long for more margin. What I have been blinded to is the result of this way of living.

The issue is NOT that I have given my time to things that don't matter or that I really don't care about, but that I have given away the best inexchange for good and better. Now choosing the best and finding there is no room for pursuing this without significant sacrifices of sleep, sabbath moments, and space for physical and mental rest has been the result.

O, God, I want your best for me! I desperately want to honor all of the creative time and energy you have invested in me. I want to know you in the experiences of all you have created me to be as your image bearer and intimate companion. To live as the manifest presence of your love to your servants as you pursue this world through them is my desire.

Grant me the grace to release the good and even the better in order to grasp the best in each day.

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