January 28, 2009

Is there an answer in the definitions?

When I don't understand something or feel confused about the meaning or interpretation of a word or phrase I go back to the basics and see what Mr. Webster has to say:

to drive = (1) to push or propel onward with force; (2) to goad by force or compulsion; (3) to provide the motive power for; (4) carry through without letting up

to be driven = to be pushed or propelled onward with force or compulsion

intent = (noun) purpose; aim; goal; design; (adjective) directing one's mind or efforts steadfastly; firmly directed or fixed

intention = (noun) purpose, either ultimate or immediate; aim; goal

intentional = (adjective) resulting from purpose; deliberate; intended

I want a life of purpose that is deliberate, lived with intent; but I definitely DO NOT want a life that is pushed or propelled onward with force, and I certainly don't want to live a life of compulsion.

It is my desire to be highly intentional, to not just float through life allowing circumstances to push me here or there -- I desperately want my life to count, to have impact. So, maybe I have been confused about the application more than about the concept itself? Lord, teach me.

1 comment:

savoring my life said...

Thanks...your posts continually challenge me :)
