January 30, 2009

intentional living = awake

That which drains me, which steals life and energy away from me, (or in the words of Ignatius) that which is desolation is the way I have been doing this thing called "intentional living". Because of this, I know what living a highly intentional life is NOT:

It is NOT having every moment of my day scheduled and accounted for. It is NOT being sure that every book I read and every movie I watch can be connected to my mission or purpose. It is NOT considering or evaluating all of my activities and pronouncing over them, "That is good. That had impact and worth." Only God can say that, and I am not him.

Instead, I think that living a life that is highly intentional is living life awake.

To be intentional means to live in a state of awareness, wakefulness to God in my surroundings, experiences and relationships. It means living aware of the contours of life and responsive to the bigger work God is doing in me and in others. Practically for me, it means making space in my life to hear and notice and acknowledge God's presence in each activity, involvement, book and movie. It is asking myself each day, "How am I doing living into my longing 'to be on a journey of discovery of God enhanced in the presence of others'?"

So, as I review my day, I need to ask: "What aspects have served to give me life, instill energy, grant consolation? And what aspects have served to give death, drain energy, pronounce desolation?" Then choose to with intent (purpose, aim, goal, design) add more of those activities and relationships that give the first while releasing those that provide the second.

Lord, continue to teach me.

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