July 18, 2007

“No going back”

I so wanted off this ledge. I thought I could make it, but in mid-step, I slipped. And now, I’m hanging here for dear life. (A rabbit clinging to a small shelf with its out-stretched front paws, near falling. A small rabbit, yet too big for the smaller shelf.)

I long for freedom from this small space, this small story I’ve found myself trapped in. But when it comes to jumping free, at the very moment of potential release, I try to turn back, and in my maneuvering, I fall and find myself clinging to the very thing I have so long loathed. Is it not better to let go and risk the consequences of the fall than stay in this small, restricted space? (Later. . .) Now that I have been hanging on so long, it’s almost become comfortable. Maybe I could stay here, if I just stop struggling.

What a waste! What are you doing, rabbit? Let go! You are so much more, can be so much more. Where do you think you will fall? Don’t you see? Don’t you know? He has been trying to get your attention for years. He can be trusted. His heart is good. To let go is to fall into the center of love. Can you imagine what that would be like? Just let go!

Lord, you have written a story so much larger for me. Give me the courage to release, let go of this known and risk the unknown with the confident assurance of your character to depend on.

(These thoughts came while interacting with a similar rabbit in an exhibit by Beth Cavener Stichter at the Renwick Gallery.)


deAnn Alyse said...

Let go and fall into His arms. He's waiting. He's wishing. He's ready.

loveya, dee

Carol said...

Hey Deb,
I love this! I soooooo relate to this. Even though, I am so clearly hearing God speak to me and yet, I still am clinging to those things in my life that I despise and make me miserable. What's that about? Anyway, great post! Thanks for sharing.